Tag Archives: X-men: Days of Future Past

Much ado about randoms IV

X-Men Days of Future Past banner
Okay, as many of you know, I hit the theater last Friday for a viewing of X-Men: Days of Future Past, and as such, I promised you my thoughts on it….. Why haven’t I given you these thoughts? Well… frankly, it’s because I was disappointed with the movie. Why was I disappointed with a movie that so obviously is awesome? That’s easy….isch. Yeah sure, Bryan Singer’s back in the director’s seat and yeah, he brings back what we loved with the first two X-Men films. But I feel that it didn’t quite match up with what we got/felt in First Class, the same way X3 didn’t give us what we got from the first two. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the movie, but it just wasn’t as good as First Class…….. 

Jared Leto Dr StrangeOn a completely different Marvel-subject, there’s been a lot of talking all over the internet about Jared Leto being cast as Dr. Strange, which I think would be a great match. We all know deep inside that Leto has what it takes to do a great job with the character if given the chance. However, if it will happen or not… we’re just gonna have to wait and see. I give the casting-choice the Tango’s Stamp of Approval, to say the least….

Continuing on with Marvel (yeah, I like that topic), we have received confirmation that Channing Tatum will be playing Gambit. What do we think about this? Well, I think it could work out great,  BUT…. to be compltely honest, I think that they should’ve given Taylor Kitsch a second go-around with the character, because, in my opinion, he was great. He just didn’t get as much screentime as would’ve been needed to give the character justice.
Tatum Gambit Kitsch
What do you think, Channing or Taylor? They could both work, I think, but … well, again, we just have to wait and see. However, there’s been a lot of talk about Tatum changing the character/super hero etc…. and I don’t quite understand the need for everything to change. If they work in the comics, why can’t they make it work on screen? Ludicrous, is what I think it is…

Well, there you have a little something from my end… Now, I’m off to the gym for some R’n’R! More goodies coming soon, but until then……..

X-Men Days of Future Past – Latest looks..

Hey. How are you? Me? I’m good. Just sitting here on a train, heading home from a few weeks vacation at my girlfriends place… but I’m heading home now and the amount of postage will increase, I promise!

So the latest trailer for X-Men: Days of Future Past is upon us and right off the bat, I have to say that they are continuing strong with “doing things right”. Ever since the first we heard about it involving both the “old and the new” crew of mutans, the hype have been slowly growing to extreme proportions and nothing.. I repeat, Nothing, seems to point on any sort of letdown. This is one film that looks to deliver exactly what it promises and I for one, am getting really excited to see it.

I’m not going to delve into that whole “rip it apart and look at all its details”-thing that everyone seems to be doing, rather than just give you some random thoughts I have on it… and some of those thoughts are as follows;

The narrative – Beautifully done, with a magnificent Patrick Stewart voice-over. It might be the nerd in me talking, but hey.. the mans voice is phenomenal!
The music – Once again, they’ve done a great job choosing the soundtrack for the trailer. Will it be as good in the final product? We’ll just have to wait and see… but I highly doubt it!
The FX – we’re treated with glimpses on what one would argue is most of the mutants involved in the story and with that, some of the things they can do… and it looks awesome! No need to improve for the films release.

We are also treated with what looks to be a dramatic death-scene, and this new footage along with tons of rumors about who will be in it and so on… could this be the last we’ll see of Storm? Well, at least the Hally Berry-version, I’m sure.

PosterOh, that’s right, I almost forgot… we’ve been given the sweet delight of a new poster as well. Nothing spectacular, a lot of mutant characters cropped together in a pile at the center and the same template as most of the action-sighted films today. Looks cool though, I can’t lie… but that’s mostly because we have both Xaviers in it!

Well, that’s pretty much it for now, but take a look at the trailer yourselves and let me know what you think about it! Until next time…. homeward bound and ready to do some real work!!

2014 Anticipations #2

Okay, so yesterday I looked at Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, 22 Jump Street and the Robocop-revamp, and dropped some thoughts on them. Today, I’ll be doing the exact same thing with a few more upcoming titles that are coming our way.

Godzilla bannerFirst up, the long awaited Godzilla-reboot. As we were treated with a teaser (check it out right here: Godzilla) not so long ago, the hype for this one blew through the roof. Not only will we see the King of monsters looking all kinds of badass, but I have a feeling that we will be treated with an intense story-line as well. I believe that this will be a fantastic attempt for Hollywood to redeem themselves for that God awful creation from -98. My predictions; The fans will love it and it will be a fabulous success at the box office.

Spider-man 2 bannerNext up, we’ll take a look at The Amazing Spider-man 2. Don’t get me wrong, I’m totally excited to see Spidey back in action again, and while I think Garfield is a great Peter Parker, I think this one will suffer some serious backlash from the critics, and judging by the first looks we’ve seen on Rhino, I don’t think the fans will appreciate it all that much either. And again, three villains? Nah, don’t clutter the thing, man. My predictions; Slightly worse than the last one with a LOT of negative backlash.

Transformers 4 bannerThirdly, we have Transformers: Age of Extinction (or Transformers 4, if you prefer). As a ginormous TF-fan myself, I’m overly anxious to see where this is going, and I sincerely hope that the lowlife Michael Bay redeems himself from the last thunderfuck of a disaster. Although, with Optimus Prime’s new look, I highly doubt it. But maybe Marky Mark will give it that well needed boost upward? Predictions? Nope, not for this one, as it’s too close to heart!

X-Men Days of Future Past bannerAnd the last one for today, X-men: Days of Future Past. This is it, the epitome of success, even this far from its release. With the original X-cast AND Bryan Singer at the helm, the ..First Class‘mates will embark upon one hell of a ride, and there is not a single doubt in my mind that it will be just as awesome as everyone wants it to be. This is the one that will blow the roof off of every single critic’s minds and my predictions for the box office? Yeah, I think this’ll stand as a proud #1 come 2015!

Well there you go. Check back tomorrow for another addition of the Tango’s Anticipations (WITH predictions). But until then…….